Ethereum: I got an error when I make cast send command

Ethereum Error: Cast Send a command with private key

Ethereum Cast Send is an essential tool for interaction with the Ethereum network. However, I am the one who guides the mistake of error that can be used to use it. Please follow Allong when we divide the question step by step.

What is the Cast Send team?

COMBINE COMBINE is used to broadcast a transaction on the Ethereum network. It will take two parameters:


Ethereum: I got an error when I make cast send command

: Ethereum Node RPC URL (Remote Call) Parameter. This allows your script or application to interact with the book.

  • Private Key : A unique cryptogram key that identifies your ethereum.

error message

When you encounter mistakes Cast Send Commmand, the problem can be shown by the message. In this example I will assume that it is something like:


Error: Cast–RPC-UrL http: /94.62.195: 4737 /RPC-Provate-Key …


common causes of bugs

There are several reasons why this is a common mistake that uses using “Cast Send”. Let’s study the charge for the usual causes:

Invalid or Incorrect RPC URL : Double check that your RPC URL is correct and creates a node parameter.

  • Lack of private keys : Make sure you provide a valid Ethereum (Publish) associated with a private key rather than a private key.

Incorrect network service provider : Check that the Ethereum node is properly configured or if

Disturbance Activities

Follow these steps to solve this error:

1. Check your RPC URL and private key

Make sure both:

– RPC URL coincides with the specified parameter (http: // 44737/RPC)

– Your Ethereum Eddress (private key) is correct.

2. Check the network provider configuration

Check your local network service provider settings to verify the node parameter:


NetCTL Status Eth0


If you use a Linux -based system, this team should handle network connections, including the one that applies to Ethere.

– If you do not find the problem, do.

– If Aresues are found, providing a local configuration is a set of desired network provider (eg Eth0Ethernet).

3. Use another RPC URL

Try to use different RPC URLs if possible:


Rpc_url =


If this solves the problem, continue to provide private private.

next steps

If you have followed these stages of troubleshooting and arenal issues, this is more than the final final.

– Check online Ethereum Communites or Forum for more details on Cast Send.

– Consult the official Ethereum documentation if available.

– Consider contacting the Ethereum developer to get a team for supermonation.

Following you, but better equipped to solve if you have a trap, you and the environment for you and the environment will be in a resolution solution.


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