Bitcoin: How can I programmatically view individual sats?

Programming to Check Bitcoin Saturation

As Bitcoin’s popularity grows, so does the discussion about its scarcity and distribution. The concept of “rare sats” has piqued the curiosity of many enthusiasts. In this article, we will explore how to programmatically check whether a satoshi (or Satoshi Nakamoto) is considered rare or not.

Understanding Saturation

Before diving into the programming, it is essential to understand the concept of saturation in Bitcoin. Saturation refers to the current supply level of a specific cryptocurrency that is being mined and distributed. When a certain number of sats are in circulation, they become scarce and are often referred to as “rare” or “scarce.”

Programming Approach

To check if a satoshi is rare, we will use the Python programming language. We will utilize the Bitcoin-Qt wallet library, which allows us to interact with the Bitcoin network programmatically.

Install required libraries

pip install bitcoin-qt python-bcrypt

Checking Satoshi Saturation

Below is an example code snippet that demonstrates how to check whether a satoshi is rare or not:

import bitcoin

from import bitcoin *

from cryptography.hazmat.primitives import serialization

Initialize the BitcoinQt wallet

wallet = Wallet()


"path/to/private/key.pem", password="password"


Get the current balance of the wallet

balance = wallet.get_balance()

Define a function to check the saturation level (more on this later)

def is_saturation_level(satoshis, max_limit):

Calculate the maximum possible number of satoshi that must exist at a given time

max_possible_sat = 1 << 256

Check if there are more sats than the calculated limit

return len(satoshis) > max_possible_sats

Usage example:

max_limit = 1000000

Maximum possible number of satoshis at saturation level

satoshis_at_saturation_level = []

for _ in range(1, 10):

Create a new Bitcoin address (satoshi)

address = Address.create_address()

Mine a new block containing the sats

miner = wallet.get_miner()

blockchain = miner.get_blockchain()

satoshis_mined = [satosi to sats in blockchain to sato in sats]

Update the list of satoshis at saturation level


Check if there are more satoshis than expected at a given point in time

for i, satoshis in enumerate(satoshis_at_saturation_level):

if is_saturation_level(i+1, max_limit):

print(f"Satoshi {i} exceeds the saturation level at a certain point.")


In this code snippet:

  • We initialize the BitcoinQt wallet with a private key.
  • We define a function is_saturation_level() that checks if there are more satoshis than expected at a given point in time. This is done by calculating the maximum possible number of sats (1 million) and comparing it to the actual number of satoshis in the blockchain.


This code assumes that you have a working BitcoinQt wallet with a private key and passphrase configured. Additionally, this example uses a simplified approach to checking saturation levels; for more complex scenarios, consider using a dedicated library or service.

Example use case

Running this code will show whether each satoshi exceeds the expected number of sats at a given time when checked against the hard limit (1 million). This can be useful in a number of applications, such as:

  • Analyzing cryptocurrency market trends
  • Optimizing network configuration for rare satoshi distribution
  • Investigating potential vulnerabilities in the Bitcoin protocol


In this article, we explored how to programmatically check whether a satoshi is rare or not.

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