Metamask: As in web3.js get the same signature as the signature from the signTypedData_v4 method?
Metamask Signature Verification for Web3.JS Typed Data Objects
As part of the growing interest in web3.js and webassembly, the use of metamask has become increased prevalent. One aspect of metamask that can pose a challenge to developers using standard data objects is ensuring signature integrity. In this article, we’ll delve into how to verify the same signature used during signing with metamask compared to the signature obtained through the signtypeddata_v4
Standard Typed Data Object and Sign
Let’s assume you have a standard typed data object that uses metamask as follows:
Const order = {
// Your Data Here ...
// using json.stringify to serialize the object before signing
Const sig = Web3.eth.accounts.sign (JSON.Stringify (Order), 'Your_Private_Key_Here');
In this case, json.stringify 'will convert the
order’ object into a json string representation. The Web3.eth.accounts.Sign
Method will use this json string as input to sign the data using your private key.
signtypeddata_v4 method
The signtypeddata_v4
method, which is part of web3.js, provides a more secure and standardized way of signing data. This method uses the same principles as Metamask’s Signature Verification but with Additional Security Features:
Const order = {
// Your Data Here ...
// Using signtypeddata_v4 to verify the signature
Const {sig} = web3.eth.accounts.singntypeddata_v4 (order, 'your_private_key_here');
Here, Web3.eth.accounts.SingNTYPEDDATA_V4
Takes the same input as above and uses it to generate a signature for the signed data.
Comparing Signatures
Now, let’s compare the two signatures obtained using both methods:
Const expectagesig = web3.eth.accounts.sign (json.stringify (order), 'your_private_key_here');
console.log (expectagesig); // Output: Your Actual Signature
Const Actualsig = Web3.eth.accounts.SingNTYPEDDATA_V4 (Order, 'Your_Private_key_Here');
console.log (actualsig); // Output: Your Actual Signature (with Additional Security Features)
As you can see, the actualsig
obtained usingsigntypeddata_v4
will be identical to the expected signature (expectoredsig
) obtained viasign
. This is because both methods use the same input data and private key.
Metamask Signature Verification
To Verify Metamask’s Signature Verification Process, you can compare the two signatures:
Const expectagesig = web3.eth.accounts.sign (json.stringify (order), 'your_private_key_here');
console.log (expectagesig); // Output: Your Actual Signature (Using Metamask)
Const Actualsig = Web3.eth.accounts.SingNTYPEDDATA_V4 (Order, 'Your_Private_key_Here');
console.log (actualsig); // Output: The same as expectagesig
In this case, you can see that both signatures are identical, indicating that metamask’s verification process is working correctly.
In Conclusion, verifying signature integrity using signtypeddata_v4
and metamask’s signature verification process shares similarities. Both methods use the same input data and private key to generate a signature. The main difference lies in their underlying implementation, which provides additional security features through signtypeddata_v4
. By Comparing Signatures gets via Both Methods, you can verify that your signed data is indeed verified correctly by metamask.
When using standard typed data objects with web3.js, it’s essential to ensure that the signature verification process is correct. By following these best practices, you can write more secure and reliable code for your web applications.